小菌 发表于 2020-2-6 20:35:50

Modelbench 1.0.1 更新

Download 1.0.1(←官方外链)百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DW4qj3LUMd0V-gG1p5m7EA蓝奏云:https://www.lanzous.com/i9s3tdc汉化版指向:https://www.mineimatorchina.com/thread-45-1-1.html
Version 1.0.1, 2020.02.02, changes:版本号:1.0.1,更新时间:2020年2月2日,更变内容:Features:特色内容:
[*]Added buttons in right-click menu for duplicating/deleting element selection.
[*]Re-added "Save UV map" option for textures.
[*]Added option in right-click menu to center a shape's pivot offset based on size.
(在右键菜单中添加了基于当前大小 重置中心点 选项)
[*]Added "Adjust pivot on resizing" setting to enable/disable pivot adjusting when resizing shapes in the UV editor.
[*]Added prompt asking if you want to save your current model before saving as a new model.
[*]Improved rotation and scale editing with multiple elements selected.
[*]Improved viewport controls with small viewport size.
[*]Changed "Remove elements" shortcut to the delete key.
[*]Updated icons and added divider at bottom of collapsible settings.
[*]Renamed controls:

[*]   "Delete element" -> "Remove element"
[*]   "Duplicate elements" -> "Duplicate selection"
[*]   "Remove elements" -> "Remove selection"
[*]Split global snapping value into 4 categories:

[*]   Position/ Pivot offset
[*]   Rotation
[*]   Scale/ Inflate
   三轴比例/ 全局大小调控
[*]   UV position/ Size

[*]Fixed mix color not saving correctly.
[*]Fixed visible and lock settings not loading.
[*]Fixed bending not saving correctly if only "X & Z" or only "Y & Z" axes were used.
[*]Fixed changes made to recent model list not saving.
[*]Fixed "#" creating new lines in text in the interface.
Version 1.0.0, 2020.01.12, changes (Since Beta 0.4.2):Note: This version is a complete rewrite of the code, having no relation to what issues previous versions may have had.Models:
[*]Added "Inherit bend angles" for parts, affects the "Inherit bend" timeline setting in Mine-imator.
[*]Added "Render depth" option, affects timeline setting in Mine-imator.
[*]Added "Inflate" for shapes, expands/contracts corners of a shape by units.
[*]Added "Bend" option for shapes, enabled by default.
[*]Added "Face camera" option for shapes.
[*]Added "Hover" option for shapes.
[*]Added "Hide front" and "Hide back" options for planes and 3D planes.
[*]Added locking for parts and shapes, locking a part affects their Mine-imator timeline.
[*]Default bend angle limit now goes from -180, to 180 degrees.
[*]Replaced "Direction" option with custom bend range options.
[*]Shapes will now bend smoother based on their parts bend size.
[*]Updated interface as part of the current rebrand.
[*]Interface is setup similar to Mine-imator, allowing support for panel to be arranged and combined.
[*]Added shape outlines in viewport.
[*]Added right-click menu. (You'll find most "missing" options in it.)
[*]Added "Darker" theme setting.
[*]Added setting for SSAO in modeling viewport.
[*]Added auto-scrolling when group selecting elements near top/bottom of panel.
[*]Added FPS setting. (30 or 60.)
[*]Added settings for custom controls.
[*]Added "Smooth camera" setting.
[*]Added "Blocky bending" setting. (Replaces old pinching setting.)
[*]Added "Preview mode", allows for previewing your model with proper lighting.
[*]Shapes can now be rearranged in parts.
[*]Parts will now auto-expand when hovered over when moving elements.
[*]Removed model creation process, any .mbtemplate, .mimodel, .mbbackup file can be used as a template for a new model.
[*]Removed save prevention, models will save regardless of errors present.
[*]Added Swedish translation by @Hozq.
[*]Added pivot tool. (For editing pivot offset of a shape.)
[*]Added scale tool.
[*]Transform tool. (Contains gizmos for XYZ position, XYZ rotation, and XYZ scale.)
[*]Changed how snapping works, now one setting that applies to most values.
[*]Added "Slow shape generation" setting. (Helps for editing slow models, looks cool when open a model too.)
[*]Added "Refresh textures on focus" setting. (Useful for editing textures while working a model.)
[*]Added backups.
[*]Changed UV editor shortcut to "Ctrl + E".
[*]Fixed hierarchy sorting being offset.
[*]Fixed crash when editing models that bend.
[*]Fixed issues related to model loading/saving found in previous beta versions.
[*]Fixed warnings preventing saving.
[*]Fixed 3D planes not bending properly in most scenarios.

翻译自原地址:https://www.mineimatorforums.com ... 256-modelbench-101/
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